In this post I will go through how I made my animation in Animate.
Animation in comparison to storyboard
I got this the same as my storyboard as it was just to show the background.
In my storyboard I had it so it was more zoomed out while the character is drinking, but changed it to being further zoomed in for that.I got this the same as my storyboard as it was just to show the new background.
I ended up not having him shivering and running away because it would have added more time on to the animation, when it is meant to be 15 seconds. Instead I made his face change to sad after it snowed.
In my storyboard I had it so the main focus was the jam sandwich saying Flip TV, but since it would have been too pixelated if I made it fill the screen, I kept it in the bottom and added text above it.
Rough edit
This is the rough edit for my animation put together in Premiere Pro. Below is the process of animation in Animate.
Adobe Animate
I set up the page by making the stage the same size as what I made it in Photoshop (454 x 340 pixels).
Here I made a classic tween to make my character move to the picnic blanket. To make it look like he is walking, I rotated it a few times.
I lost the file for this on Animate, but here I made a classic tween and zoomed in so the character was the main object in frame.
I made a classic tween and moved the PNG of the hand and cup up to the characters mouth.
I also made a rectangle the same colour as the character's skin tone to make it look like he is blinking, and put this just before the end of the cup moving up to the mouth.
I also made this very zoomed in to match it with the transition.
I added a classic tween to show the fade between the spring and the winter scene with snow.
I also added another skin coloured rectangle and on top of it I drew a sad face with the classic brush tool, which lasted until the end of this scene.
With the classic brush tool again, I drew some swirls to look like wind.
To make the wind swirls move from one side to the other, I used a classic tween. Then, to make the top slice of bread move off the screen I used another classic tween.
I zoomed in the image again.
Risk assessment: Throughout all of this I ensured to work within the scope of the risk assessment, by taking breaks between working.
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